Wednesday, May 19, 2010

[WPC] Chronicles chapter ten: What lies beneath

"One man down here. Some sort of hand shaped alien, keep your eyes open."
Webley crouched beside the young privates body. Bits and pieces of his head, and of the creature lay scattered across the room. What the hell had they gotten themselves in to? Ganchan looked in shock, pearls of sweat covered his forehead. With little time to process the situation, he had chosen the fastest option to safety. For himself and for the pack. Now, he wasn't so sure about his decision.
"Go and see what Solo is up to, tell him what has happened here and let him make up a report for Sergeant Shadow."
"Yes sir."

Solo had seemed startled when Gan had walked into the room, he had disturbed him in his research. There were pictures of the so-called "Xeno's" on the screen, they had been taken inside a lab simular to the one he just came from. He figured that wasn't the only one in the building.
"Did you find out where the people who worked here have gone? The reason for their signal?"
Solo was typing up the report.
"There is no mention of their departure in the records. The last entry is dated 2 weeks ago."
They were silent as Solo finished his report.

As the others continued their way through the building, Hemi was still on the groundfloor where the vehicle had been. He had scoped out the whole room, without any clues about it's last destination. Beneath him, strange sounds had begun to sound. He signaled Webley through his com-system.
"There's a lower level here me, I'm checking it out."
Webley's reply hadn't come in too clear, he only heard the the words "keep your eyes open". Ofcourse he would, him and Webley had been marines for a long time. He knew the drill. He opened up a panel in the floor he had looked at earlier. Once the panel was removed he looked down a long and dark staircase. He sighed and wondered why he was doing this, then turned and set his foot on the first step.

"H-ly Sh-!! We-----y---g----down he--!!!" The transmission was bad, almost not understandable. One thing was clear, something big was happening in the buildings basement.
"Hemi! I can't hear you, there's too much static! We're on our way, wait for us!"
He rounded up his men and they ran down the stairs, meanwhile he let Buzz know to continue his search. Ganchan shot up from his chair when they bolted by the office.
"Whats going on?!"
"We don't know, but it's big!" Dazoo shouted at him.
WIthout any hesitation Ganchan picked up his shotgun and joined them down the stairs. They entered the ground floor and charged at the opening in the floor. One by one they made there way to the basement.

"What the fuck is that! What the hell were they doing in this place?!" Some of the men had turned white as a sheet.
"That is one giant Xeno...."
"Are those like the egg you saw upstairs Ganchan?" Webley asked.
"Yeah they are. It came flying right out of it. Stay away from those fuckers."
"It seems like they are coming from...her."
They all stood and looked around the room silently. The massive creature was tied up, it must have measured over 10 meters tall. She kept laying eggs, stopping only to let out one of her terrible screams. Eggs surrounded her and seemed almost to be pulsating.
Webley's com system sounded again. The reception was terrible down there, all he could here was static. He went back up the steps.
"Webley, do you read me!"
"Yes Weeperr I hear you. What's up?"
"I have no clue, but the motiontrackers are going crazy up here."
"What do you mean?"
"I have multiple signals coming our way!"

[WPC] Chronicles chapter nine: First contact

Webley's heart was racing as he walked the stairs onto the next level. Solo stayed behind, going through all the data on the computers. The team had undermined his orders, and as a result they might be in some kind of trouble. He knew he could trust Buzz to take over controls when needed, but this place gave him the creeps and he wanted everything to go by the book. Just a few more steps. He could not hear the men, just a low buzzing noise. Like refridgerator or something.

"Buzz! Whats going o-...on..." It was quite clear why Buzz had called him up there. This was what Solo ment with "testing". Big fluid filled tubes containing some kind of weird looking animal, all with strange looking variations. Apparently these "alterations" weren't a very big succes, as the animals showed no life signs. Webley scanned the rest of the room, the team still quiet and wide eyed looking. Against one of the walls was one of those anatomy posters they used to have in biology class, but the picture was nothing like the one's in school. It said: Xenomorph. "So that's what we're looking at, Xenomorphs..."

"Understood Corporal."
If he had not been so mad in his disobedience, Webley would have laughed at the way Buzz's cheeks turned red after he had scolded him for it. He suppressed his smile.
"This search is taking too long, we will be splitting up into groups from here on, and I need trust you in leading the men. So no goofing around anymore, and keep me updated at all times."
"Yes, sir."
Webley turned back towards the pack.
"Ganchan and Bowow stay here. Woody, Hammer and Alpha, you take the elevator with Buzz up to the top floor and work your way down. The rest is with me, we'll take the stairs and work are way upwards till we meet Buzz's team. Let's go!"

"So what do you think about these Xeno's man? I bet you could punch one out like a light with one of your vicious uppercuts!" Bowow stood in front of one of the tubes, punching the air in front of it. Ganchan was a man of action, not words. He was annoyed at Bowow's ongoing chatter. "I think we should stay focused and stand guard till the others get back." he replied. He heard Bowow mumble something under his breath, but decided not to take any notice. Suddenly there was a noise, it sounded like the elevator but it came from somewhere else in the building.
"What did you do?!"
"One of these buttons was flickering, and I guess I pushed it.."
The noise had stopped close to them, both turned the way it came from. Ganchan raised his shotgun. A panel in the wall opened up, and an egg of some sorts was presented to them. Something seemed to move inside, it was nasty and slimy looking. With breaths hold they stood looking at it with disgust. Before they knew what was happening, the egg opened itself. A hand like creature jumped out of it with tremendous velocity, and grabbed onto Bowows face. He started screaming and tried to pry it of with his hands, meanwhile stumbling across the room like a madman. It all happened so fast, and Ganchan made a split second decision. He aimed his gun, and pulled the trigger...